

Latest NEET Rate

12.6%Percentage of young people aged 16-24 who are NEET as at Jan-Mar 2024 (seasonally adjusted)

Latest NEET Rate - Men

13.9%Percentage of young men aged 16-24 who are NEET as at Jan-Mar 2024 (seasonally adjusted)

Latest NEET Rate - Women

11.2%Percentage of young women aged 16-24 who are NEET as at Jan-Mar 2024 (seasonally adjusted)
  • Gender
  • NEET
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Training

Labour Market

Unemployment rate (young people)

13.9%Young people aged 16-24, unemployed as at Mar-May 2024 (seasonally adjusted)

Economic inactivity rate (young people)

41%Young people aged 16-24, economically inactive as at Mar-May 2024 (seasonally adjusted)

Unemployment rate (all working age)

4.5%People aged 16-64, unemployed as at Mar-May 2024 (seasonally adjusted)

Economic inactivity rate (all working age)

22.1%People aged 16-64, economically inactive as at Mar-May 2024 (seasonally adjusted)
  • Employment
  • Unemployment
  • Economic inactivity
  • Long-term unemployment
  • Gender
  • Aged 16-17
  • Aged 18-24
  • FTE
  • NFTE

Consumer Prices Index


+0.2%As at 17 July 2024. This is a decrease since the last update.


+0.8%As at 17 July 2024. This is a decrease since the last update.


+2%As at 17 July 2024. This is a decrease since the last update.
  • Economic indicators
  • CPI
  • Spending
  • Trends
  • Cost of living


Latest monthly vacancies

889000Estimated number of open job vacancies in the last reported rolling quarter across the UK, Apr-Jun 2024.

Growth on previous quarter

-3.4%Estimated percentage change on last quarter, Mar-May 2024
  • Economic indicators
  • Employment
  • Vacancies
  • Employers
  • Trends
  • Sectors